Italian Companies

We deliver positive publicity for Italian companies across all media platforms.

Abercrombie Communications is a public relations agency founded in 1999 by former journalist Paul Abercrombie.

Paul has written for many local, regional and national newspapers and magazines in America and abroad.

Today Paul uses his decades of journalistic experience to help Italian companies promote their goods and services in U.S. media.

Abercrombie Communications helps individuals and businesses in various industries win publicity in every type of American media — including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, online publications, blogs, etc. — and prepares clients for media interviews.

Italian clients he has helped include law firms, tourism ventures, food and wine producers, and manufacturers of precision machinery.

Paul and his colleagues also write articles, speeches, brochures, websites, blogs and even books on behalf of clients.

Paul continues to contribute articles on such topics as food, wine and travel (often involving Italy) to publications such as The Washington Post, Wine Enthusiast, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, National Geographic, PUNCH and Wine & Spirits. He’s also written several books, including one about cocktails, Organic, Shaken and Stirred: Hip Highballs, Modern Martinis and other Totally Green Cocktails (Harvard Common Press), and has received an advanced certification in enology from the London-based Wine & Spirit Education Trust.

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