Legal Public Relations

We deliver positive publicity for law firms across all media platforms.

Abercrombie Communications has won positive publicity for clients in local, regional, national and international media outlets, as well as all manner of industry trade publications.

For the past two decades, Abercrombie Communications has been a PR firm that specializes in law firms and related legal issues. As a journalist, firm founder Paul Abercrombie wrote about the law — court cases, attorneys and law firms, and the overall business of law.

He and his colleagues have overseen public relations strategy and initiatives for several large law firms (300+ attorneys), and have worked for a number of large and small law firms around the state and the country. They’ve also helped solo practitioners polish their images in local media; orchestrated national PR campaigns involving multi-state litigation (including class-action lawsuits); and have represented attorneys for plaintiffs and defendants.

We help attorneys and their clients mitigate the negative effects of publicity associated with lawsuits and other issues. Often referred to as crisis communications, such work also often involves teaching attorneys and their clients how to handle media interviews.

Other Capabilities